A neat exhibition at the RAMM museum in Exeter, which is
really about the Victorian Gothick, and in keeping with the museum itself,
opened in 1861 and named in memory of the lamented Prince Consort who died in
December of that year. Here he is at the
top of the entrance stairs, in what feels a rather cramped site in the city centre,
brilliantly repainted in bright pink.

Finally, The Summoning of of the Knights, one of the great Holy Grail tapestries produce by Morris & Co to Burne-Jones' designs, which remains astonishing in its impact.
This whole topic set me thinking about the appropriate font for a blog about Victorian Gothick.
In the Microsoft font repertoire are a
number declaring themselves ‘Gothic’
such as
Malgun Gothic
Franklin Gothic Book which frankly doesn’t look at all Gothic either
Century Gothic, ditto
Copperplate gothic light WHICH ONLY DOES UPPER CASE
MS Gothic
Showcard gothic like
copperplate only upper case
For all these the
Gothic suffix seems mistaken and inexplicable.
There are a few
quasi-Victorian typefaces, but I think the most appropriate
and most Puginesque
is Old English Text, even though or perhaps because it is so difficult
to read, just as on Victorian memorial brasses. However, for that reason i didn't choose it ...
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