within reach of the William Morris Gallery in the next four weeks, don’t miss
Schmidt’s exhibition TANGLED YARNS, an inventive and stimulating display about
elements of the cotton trade from 18th to 21st centuries,
asking the questions that should be asked about the sources and economic bases
of the textiles that we wear and use. Questions
that Morris himself confronted with his Marxist understanding of political
display consists of large intricately worked hangings that at first beguile the
eye and then disturb the brain, but simultaneously invite one to reconcile or
live with or reject the global processes of exploitation. And do so in a curiously delicate rather than
polemical manner, so the visual pleasure of the original fabrics survives their
mutilation by referents to the brutal histories that went and continue to go
into their making.
quote the blurb: The tension between the
challenging subject matter and highly decorative appearance of the work is
deliberately cultivated, to bring out the ambiguities and contradictions, the
politics and morality of the textile trade.
and here
There's more too on the fashion industry than I perceived, which could be politically useful now that fashion is the dominant cultural manifestation of the day . This is a project that deserves and will reward future showings at other venues, so I hope Schmidt has had many offers! HAPPY CHRISTMAS
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