Friday, 11 November 2016

BILL RICHMOND prizefighter

as evident from the date below, I intended to publish this post in September, but failed, because I intended to write more fully.
Bill Richmond will probably feature in the next instalment of BLACK & BRITISH FORGOTTEN HISTORY on BBC2 on 16 November, so here is a partial preview...
The memorial plaque (alas temporary) is under the black cloth

an unusual gathering at a central London pub on 13 September - although a very apt location, as the Tom Cribb pub marks the district between Haymarket and Leicester Square where pugilists were to be found in the Regency years, when prizefighting and sparring were cross-class [male] attractions.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jan, I'd like to contact you re appearing at the Whitstable Literary Festival, might you be able to email info at whitlit dot co dot uk please so I can send a formal invitation. many thanks! Victoria, Festival Director.
